Thursday, June 30, 2011

my definition of synchronicity

synchronocity is when you find yourself in a situation which may appear to be coincidental or materialized at random-- so situation/event (A) occurs, it comes into question as to whether it is random or synchronistic if a completely separate following occurrence/event so event (B) (generally an event that changes or alters your path or leads you to something you want, even if you don't recognize it at the time) is dependent on the seemingly random preceding event, in turn (A) gained importance because of its necessary existence in order for event (B) to occur; however you never consciously did anything to create/engage in (A) and therefore could not have known it would lead you to (B)....


L said...

In my experience, synchronicity is when you let your subconscious make things happen. It's what some people would call magic, but more accidental than intentional. It's your human power flexing its muscles.

Teal Faux said...

I agree!